Clearing Public Footpath No 107

With equipment paid for using a generous donation from Red Kite Community Housing, our volunteers ventured a little beyond the common to clear the public footpath that runs between Limmer Lane and the field at the top of Horns lane.

The path had become overgrown and before our volunteers set to work was completely impassable.

Clearing a fallen tree

Parts of the fallen tree had been removed by local residents for firewood leaving the canopy on the amenity grass. Dragging this into the woods has cleared it from the grass and created a very good winter nesting site for local wildlife.

Two new bollards

Our volunteers restoring the bollards along the edge of the bridle path to help protect the woods.

Thankyou gentlemen…

Volunteers from Red Kite

Thank you to the really enthusiastic and hard working volunteers from Red Kite Community Housing who gave up their morning to to help us on the common.

The the results of their work speaks for itself..