Message received from Simon Atkins, Head of Training and Director, Airways Aero Associations Ltd, T/A Booker Aviation.
Wycombe Air Park will be welcoming the Red Bull Air Racers on Tuesday 9th August 2016. They will be staying here until the Thursday 11th August 2016 where they will then depart to Ascot in preparations for the air race. During the time here they will be conducting a few practice sessions and all will have received a noise abatement brief from myself before their first sortie. The locals may however be more aware of their flying due to the increased horsepower of each aircraft although like last year the pilots will be throttling back as soon as possible when at a safe height in a bid to reduce the amount of noise in and around WAP as they transit to the local area.
On Wednesday 10th August they will be conducting their first practice session which will all be inside the aerodrome boundary or a designate area in the local area (to be confirmed). Being as the aircraft may be operating in the airfield boundary none of them will be breaching the NAZ but due to the manoeuvres they will be conducting and horsepower of the aircraft the noise will be a lot more noticeable, this will only however be a period of no more than one hour.
May I add that all local residents are more than welcome to visit the airpark and observe the flying. Red Bull are more than happy to show you around the aircraft and potentially meet the pilots. It may a great opportunity for those with children to come and watch them as they practice.
Simon Atkins